Ad Management
We've done our very best to convert our service into a true hand-off approach for ad management. You sell and enter the contract and then "hand it off" to us via a client introduction. We'll take it from there and you can get right back out there selling more ads!
What We Expect from You
Of course, your primary objective is to sell ads into your pub, but once that ad is sold, there are really two things that you need to do to facilitate the hand-off.
1. Enter the order into the portal.*
2. Introduce us to your client via email/video text message.
Once these two things are completed, we will respond to the client and begin collecting assets to get the client's ad in process.
Over the course of time, there are some other things that we also look to you for. These are the following:
1. Maintain up-to-date contact information. (Email addresses and mobile numbers.)
2. Keep us informed of any dialogue that you have with the clients regarding their ads.
3. Be available if we need your help either reaching a client or delivering delicate information to the clients. Sometimes clients are hard to please and we want to do everything that we can to serve them and establish value, but from time to time it becomes necessary for you to help out with those particularly difficult cases.
4. Help support our initiatives and communicated deadlines. Our goal is to highly reduce the demands that we place upon the clients while ensuring your publication is going to print on time. We encourage advanced ad scheduling when beneficial to your clients and you can help communicate/promote this.
What You Can Expect from Us
High-Quality Ad Design & Clear Communication
What We Do
1. Welcome/onboard new clients into the publication via email OR phone call.
2. Send monthly deadline reminder email.
3. Upload print-ready ads into Pub Manager and/or collect ad assets and instruction for the creation and revision of ads via Pub Manager/N2's design team.
4. Proof all ads for aesthetic design and clear messaging before forwarding to the clients for review/approval.
5. Facilitate ad revision requests the clients may make.
6. Submit final approval of ads via Pub Manager.
7. Maintain an up-to-date Client Tracker.
8. Pub Proof to ensure all active ads are present, updated, and on the correct page (if placement is guaranteed).
9. Work with clients over time to introduce them to Advanced Ad Scheduling.
What We Do NOT Do
1. We don't send out renewal emails. We will be happy to help you strategize with renewals, however, to help arm you for that meeting.
2. We don't do collections of any kind.
3. We don't build ads outside of N2's Pub Manager/Design Team. Though, we can do MINOR editing to help expedite approvals.
4. We don't affirm nor deny any contracted details and will always defer these inquiries to the Area Director.
*Order Entry available on a case-by-case basis. Restrictions apply. Inquire for more details.